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Writer's picturejonetta rose barras


Officials at the DC Board of Elections have managed to publish preliminary voting results from the primary election held earlier this week. That achievement may not be worth celebrating, however. The primary election was an absolute mess.

Many voters who had requested mail-in ballots never received them. Through a special arrangement with the U.S. Postal Service, some outstanding ballots — though not all — were delivered on Sunday. Still others were hand-delivered by the board staff. And reportedly at the urging of at-large DC Council member Elissa Silverman, the Elections Board used a system typically set aside for voters with physical disabilities to submit their ballots by email, raising several security questions.

Rachel Coll, a spokesperson for the BOE, acknowledged that the email system was deployed because of Silverman’s intervention. “It wasn’t necessarily something we developed and intended to use,” added Coll, noting there were “approximately 1,000” such requests and ballots distributed using that system. READ MORE

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