CONVERSATIONS WITH JONETTA: Exploring the Intersection of Arts, Culture and Politics
Thu, Oct 15
ELECTION 2020. In this special edition, jonetta speaks with political scientist and pundit Dr. Michael K Fauntroy about the November general election: who is likely to win and what that may mean for the future of the country. (THE ZOOM LINK IS UNDER MORE DETAILS)

Time & Location
Oct 15, 2020, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
About the event
Award-winning author and journalist jonetta rose barras engages some of the country's creative thinkers and change-makers in intimate, provocative but eclectic discussions around issues that matter. In this special edition, she speaks with political scientist and Howard University associate professor Dr. Michael K. Fauntroy.
jonetta rose barras is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Conversations with jonetta
Time: Oct 15, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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He joined the faculty at Howard in 2013 after 11 years on the faculty of the School of Public Policy at George Mason University. Before entering academia, he was an analyst in American national government at the Congressional Research Service (CRS). At CRS, he provided research and consultations for members and committees of Congress. He also served as a civil rights analyst at the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, where he conducted research on civil rights issues such as voting rights and fair housing.
Fauntroy is the author of Republicans and the Black Vote; in it he analyzes the historical relationship between African Americans and the GOP. He is also the author of Home Rule or House Rule? Congress and the Erosion of Local Governance in the District of Columbia. A third book, More than Just Partisanship: Conservatism and Black Voter Suppression will be published in 2021 by New York University Press.
A regular contributor to The Huffington Post, he has been published in The Root, The Washington Times,, the New York Daily News, and The Black Commentator. He has been quoted widely in print publications such as The New York Times Magazine, The Washington Post, USA Today, Politico, Newsday, Black Enterprise, The Washington Times, the New York Daily News,, and the Boston Globe.
Fauntroy is a continuing media presence commenting and analyzing national issues. He is currently a political analyst for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation radio. He has been heard or seen on national radio and television networks such as ABC (World News Tonight), CBS (Evening News and The Early Show), CNN (American Morning), MSNBC (Hardball), Fox News (Hannity and Colmes), NBC (Nightly News and Today), PBS (The NewsHour and Tavis Smiley), CTV-Toronto, Comcast (Your Morning), National Public Radio, Al Jazeera America, Radio One, the British Broadcasting Corporation, the CTV News -- Toronto, Pacifica Radio, and XM Satellite Radio.
Fauntroy is a graduate of Hampton University, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science. He earned a Master's degree in Public Affairs, specializing in public administration and public policy analysis and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Political Science from Howard University. He resides in Washington, D.C.with his wife Lisa and their twins Sunshine and Brett.